Police and Peace Officer Decertification
Under state law, a police or peace officer’s basic training certificate is immediately invalidated when an officer is removed for cause for misconduct, or an officer has resigned or retired subsequent to, or in connection with, allegations of misconduct.
New York State regulations define misconduct; outline an employer’s reporting obligations to the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), which maintains the state’s Central Registry of Police and Peace Officers; and detail the process by which DCJS can correct inaccuracies in reporting to the Registry that could result in an officer’s training certificate being invalidated. When an employer reports a removal for cause, or resignation or retirement due to allegations of misconduct, the Division of Criminal Justice Services updates its records to reflect that invalidation. DCJS will review documentation submitted by an employer if it receives information questioning the accuracy of the employer’s reporting.
The following Excel document is an official record of information as reported by police and peace officer employers to the Division of Criminal Justice Service, which updates this spreadsheet monthly.
- Police/Peace Officer Decertification List (3/17/2025)
All decisions to hire, discipline and/or fire officers are made by employers and subject to local and state laws and collective bargaining agreements, if applicable. Criteria for individuals designated as police or peace officers are detailed in state Criminal Procedure Law Articles 1 and 2.
Regulations establishing the decertification process first took effect on Oct. 26, 2016. Emergency regulations that strengthened the process and state oversight took effect Oct. 16, 2021, and adoption of final regulations occurred on Nov. 2, 2022.
The Division of Criminal Justice Services provides decertification information to the National Decertification Index, which is maintained by the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training. All police employers must check the Decertification Index prior to hiring an individual and comply with other state-mandated hiring requirements.
Police Officers
All police officers removed for cause under emergency regulations effective Oct. 16, 2021, will have their training permanently invalidated and no longer have the option of retaking the state-mandated basic training.
Peace Officers
Decertification of basic training does not preclude a peace officer from seeking future employment as a peace officer. A new employer must ensure, however, that the individual retakes and successfully completes state-mandated basic training within one year of appointment.
Employers with questions about their reporting obligations, or potential employers seeking an officer’s training status should contact the Office of Public Safety at the Division of Criminal Justice Services: OPS.RecordsMgt@dcjs.ny.gov or (518) 457-2667.
Members of the media seeking additional information should contact the agency’s Public Information Office at pressinfo@dcjs.ny.gov or (518) 457-8828.