Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kits for Medical Providers
DCJS provides hospitals and other health care providers with sexual offense evidence collection kits and drug facilitated sexual assault evidence collection kits. These kits are used by medical professionals to collect DNA and other evidence during a physical exam of an individual who has been the victim of a sexual assault.
The kits are provided at no cost and contain all the materials, instructions and forms necessary to ensure evidence is collected and stored as required. DCJS developed this training to instruct medical providers on the proper use of the kit.
To obtain kits, hospitals and health care providers must complete this sexual offense evidence collection kit order form and email it to Please contact the Office of Forensic Services at that email address or 518-457-1901 for more information about the kits, training or any of the forms available here.
Help for Survivors of Sexual Assault
The state Office of Victim Services (OVS) funds and supports a network of community-based programs that provide direct services to victims and survivors of sexual assault and other crimes, and confidential support and information is available 24/7 through the state's Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline: 844-997-2121 (text), (chat) or 800-942-6906 (call).
OVS also operates a facility for the storage of kits that have not be released to law enforcement and provides indivduals the ability to track the status of their unreported kit. Survivors who have questions about the storage facility may email for information.
New York State law requires medical providers who treat victims of sexual assault to notify those individuals that the cost of a forensic rape exam (FRE) can be billed directly to OVS. An exam may include collection and preservation of evidence in a sexual offense evidence collection kit. The Forensic Rape Examination Direct Reimbursement Program helps provides for the personal privacy of individuals who have been the victims of a sexual assault.
Patient Consent Forms
Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit Patient Consent Form
This Patient Consent Form also is available in the following languages:
Arabic Bengali Chinese French Haitian Creole Italian
Korean Polish Russian Spanish Urdu Yiddish
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Patient Consent Form
This Patient Consent Form also is available in the following languages:
Arabic Bengali Chinese French Haitian Creole Italian
Korean Polish Russian Spanish Urdu Yiddish
Medical Provider Training and Instructions
Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit Training
Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit Instructions
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Fact Sheet
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Instructions
Medical Provider Forms
Emergency Contraception: What you Need to Know (English)
Emergency Contraception: What you Need to Know (Spanish)
Defendant HIV Testing – English
Defendant HIV Testing – Spanish
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Forensic Lab Supplemental Form
Medical Record Form
Patient Diagram
Patient Information
Prepubertal Patient Information
Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit Forensic Lab Supplemental Form
Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit Inventory Reports
State law requires police departments, sheriffs’ offices, district attorneys’ offices and forensic laboratories to report to DCJS the number of sexual offense evidence kits they have received and processed. DCJS annually publishes reports detailing this information and makes them available on the Publications and Reports page.