Current Summary of Changes to the Coded Law File
Law File Changes – Sept 2021
Note: Laws added to the file since the last posted on May 18, 2021 begins with relative address/law ordinal 8765. Be aware, however, that changes/corrections have been made to existing laws. A summary is shown below but may not be complete. We recommend that you overwrite the existing law file with the new one.
With this new posting (and with the more recent ones), a new file format is available to replace the legacy mainframe flat file. The content, however, is based on our Oracle table as the mainframe law table no longer exists due to the decommissioning of our mainframe.
Chapter 236 of the laws of 2021:
amended Penal Law §265.17– to add §265.17(01) Crim Purchase/Disposal Weapon-Purchaser Ineligible/Outstanding Warrant, effective July 01, 2021. (Ordinal 8766)
amended Penal Law §265.17 – to add §265.17(02) Crim Purch/Disposal Weapon-Buy for Ineligible Person/Outstanding Warrant, effective July 01, 2021. (Ordinal 8767)
amended Penal Law §265.17 – to add §265.17(03) Crim Purchase/Disposal Weapon-Dispose Ineligible/Outstanding Warrant, effective July 01, 2021. (Ordinal 8765)
Chapter 55 of the Laws of 2020
amended Penal Law §490.27 – to add §490.27(00) Domestic Act of Terrorism Motivated by Hate in the Second Degree, effective November 01, 2020. (Ordinal 8769)
amended Penal Law §490.28 – to add §490.28(00) Domestic Act of Terrorism Motivated by Hate in the First Degree, effective November 01, 2020. (Ordinal 8768)
Chapter 309 of the Laws of 1996
Amended General Municipal Law §195-N – to add §195-N(01) – Sell unapproved bell jars, effective January 09, 1997. (Ordinal 8770)
Law File Changes:
Added New Ordinals 8765 to 8767 per Chapter 236 of the Laws of 2021
Added New Ordinal 8768 per Chapter 55 of the Laws of 2020
Added New Ordinal 8769 per Chapter 55 of the Laws of 2020
Added New Ordinal 8770 per Chapter 309 of the laws of 1996
Ordinal 8687 corrected subsection from 0E to 01
Ordinal 8749 corrected law description from mixed caps to uppercase
Ordinal 8211 corrected class to null and category to V
Ordinal 1038
Ordinal 1039
Ordinal 8253
Ordinal 8255
Ordinal 8256
Archive of Changes:
- Law File Changes - March 2022
- Law File Changes - Sept 2021
- Law File Changes - May 2021
- Law File Changes - February 2021
- Law File Changes - July 2020
- Law File Changes - March 2020
- Law File Changes - August 2019
- Law File Changes - February 7, 2019
- Law File Changes - August 8, 2018
- Law File Changes - January 30, 2018