Division of Criminal Justice Services

Current Summary of Changes to the Coded Law File

Law File Changes – August 2022

Note: Laws added to the file since the last posted on March 15, 2022, begins with relative address/law ordinal 8790. Be aware, however, that changes/corrections have been made to existing laws. A summary is shown below but may not be complete. We recommend that you overwrite the existing law file with the new one. With this new posting (and with the more recent ones), a new file format is available to replace the legacy mainframe flat file. The content, however, is based on our Oracle table as the mainframe law table no longer exists due to the decommissioning of our mainframe.


Chapter 210 of the Laws of 2022 – added Penal Law §270.21, unlawful purchase of body armor, a class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for a second offense and Penal Law §270.22, unlawful sale of body armor, a class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for a second offense. Effective 7/06/2022. (Ordinals 8790/8791/8792/8793) -note that this chapter initially referred to body vests, but the reference was changed to body armor by chapter 371 of the laws of 2022.

Chapter 212 of the Laws of 2022 – added Penal Law § 265.65, criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle. The first offense is a class A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent offense is a class E felony. This Chapter also added new Penal Law §265.66, criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle, a class E felony. Effective 9/04/2022 (Ordinals 8794/8795/8796).

Chapter 206 of the Laws of 2022 – added Penal Law §240.78, making a threat of mass harm, a class B misdemeanor and Penal Law §240.79, aggravated threat of mass harm, a class A misdemeanor. Effective 6/06/2022. (Ordinal 8797/8798).

Chapter 371 of the Laws of 2022 – added Penal Law §265.01-d, criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location, a class E felony and Penal Law §265.01-e, criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a sensitive location, a class E felony. Effective 9/01/2022. (Ordinals 8799/8880).

Chapter 371 of the Laws of 2022 – amended Penal Law § 265.45, failure to safely store rifles, shotguns and firearms in the first degree, a class A misdemeanor, to raise the age of persons in the home to 18 to require safe storage and add a new subdivision two pertaining to storing firearms in a vehicle. Effective 9/01/2022. (Repealed Ordinal 8616 and added Ordinals 8801/8802/8803).

Chapter 447 of the Laws of 2021 – added a new subdivision 10 to Penal Law § 135.60, coercion in the third degree, pertaining to immigration status. Effective 11/07/2021. (Ordinals 8804/8805).

Chapter 371 of the Laws of 2022 – amended Penal Law § 270.20, unlawful wearing of body armor, to change the term “body vest” to “body armor” and to define “body armor.” Effective 7/06/2022. (Repealed Ordinals 4200 and 5179 and added Ordinals 8806/8807).

Chapter 233 of the Laws of 2022 – amended subdivision 11 of Penal Law § 120.05, assault in the second degree, a class D felony, to include the assault of certain employees of a transit agency or authority. Effective 9/25/2022.

Please note:These ordinals will not be repealed and replaced and will remain as is 8550, 8551, 8552 and 8553).

Law File Changes
Added Ordinals 8790 thru 8793 per Chapter 210 of the laws of 2022
Added Ordinals 8794 thru 8796 per Chapter 212 of the laws of 2022
Added Ordinals 8797 thru 8798 per Chapter 206 of the laws of 2022
Added Ordinals 8799 thru 8803 and Ordinals 8806 thru 8807 per Chapter 371 of the laws of 2022
Added Ordinals 8804 thru 8805 per Chapter 447 of the laws of 2021


Archive of Changes: